A Simple Guide to Using a Web Browser 

Jan 30, 2025 | Home Technology, Helpful Tips, E-Learning, Digital Literacy

The internet can seem complicated and a bit overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Using a web browser to explore it can be fun. This guide will walk you through the basics of using a web browser, including finding the address bar, clicking on links, and tips for searching effectively. Let’s get surfing! 

What is a Web Browser? 

A web browser is a program (also called an app, which is short for application) on your computer, tablet, or smartphone that lets you access websites on the internet, such as Google, your bank, and others. Popular browsers include Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, and Firefox. You’ll often see the browser icon on your home screen or taskbar, which is the little bar across the bottom of your computer screen. 

Step 1: Open the Browser 

  1. Locate the browser icon on your device. It might look like a colorful circle (Google Chrome), a compass (Safari), or a blue “e” or wave (Microsoft Edge). 

  1. Double-click the icon to open the browser if you’re on a computer. If you’re on a phone or tablet, tap once on the icon to open the browser. 

Step 2: Find the Address Bar 

The address bar is the long, empty rectangle at the top of the browser window, way up near the top of the screen. This is where you type in the name of a website or a search term: 

  • For example, to visit Gateway Fiber without searching for it, type the address gatewayfiber.com directly into the address bar and press Enter or Return

  • If you don’t know the exact address, you can type general topical words into the address bar, like “best internet provider near me” or simply “Gateway Fiber” and it will search for you and list the options it found.

 Step 3: Interact with Links 

Webpages are filled with links, which are usually blue underlined text or buttons that take you to another page when clicked. Often, links lead you to another page with more information without making you search for it. Here’s how to interact with links: 

  1. Move your mouse pointer over the link (it will usually change to a hand symbol). 

  1. Click the left mouse button (or tap if using a touchscreen). 

  1. Wait for the new page to load—it may take a moment. 

Step 4: Navigate Pages 

  • Going Back and Forward: Use the arrow buttons (← or →) at the top-left corner of the browser to move back to the previous page or forward to the next. 

  • Reload or Refresh a Page: If a page isn’t loading correctly, click the circular arrow near the address bar to reload and try again. This also works if you want to refresh a page that might have new information, such as a news story that is updating.

  • Scroll:

    • On a desktop computer, use the mouse wheel or drag the scrollbar on the right side of the browser window to move the page up and down.

    • On a laptop, if you're not using a mouse, you can scroll with the scratch pad, which is the rectangular area below the spacebar. Some laptops require two fingers to scroll.

    • On your phone or tablet, drag your finger up and down the screen to scroll. 

General Tips for Best Searching 

  1. Be Specific: Type clear, specific phrases into the address bar or search engine (like Google or Bing). For example, if you're looking for a nearby flower shop, instead of typing only “flowers” try “flower shops near me” because it's more specific to what you want, helping to weed out search results you don’t want.

  2. Watch for Ads: Not all search results are what you want. Companies can pay to be at the top of the list. The first few results might be ads. Look for the small “Ad” label and scroll down for more options and non-ad (“organic”) search results.

  3. Bookmark Your Favorites: When you find a useful website that you think you'll need again, save it. Click the star icon near or inside the address bar to bookmark it for quick access later. You can also organize your bookmarks into folders like an electronic filing cabinet to find them more easily next time. 

Safety First

  • Avoid Clicking Unfamiliar Links: Don’t click on anything that looks suspicious. Clicking a bad link can make your device vulnerable to malware and viruses, both of which can cause your device to stop working properly and might open your personal information up to hackers.

  • Look for Secure Websites: Most websites start with HTTP:// and then the address. These sites are safe for browsing but may not be safe for sharing personal information. However, website that starts with HTTPS:// (the S stands for secure) have extra levels of encryption to protect your personal information. Online banking and reputable e-commerce sites such as Amazon and other online stores should have HTTPS:// at the beginning. If they don't have the S, be very careful about sharing credit card and other personal information on them. There is no guarantee your information is safe.

Practice a Bit

With a little practice, using a web browser will feel natural. Take your time, and don’t be afraid to explore. If you’re at a loss for what to search for, try looking up sites related to a hobby or area of personal interest. That will get you started on topics you already know something about. And who knows? Maybe you’ll learn even more!

(Disclaimer: The info provided in this article does not cover every scenario and may have changed since the publishing of this article.)

  • browsing
  • web browsing
  • how to use the internet
  • google

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