Helping cities build a future-friendly internet.
Technology to set your community apart.

What are the benefits of adding fiber internet to your community?
Economic Development
Businesses demand better internet connections. File sharing, cloud server connectivity, video conferencing, and other high-demand online needs can overwhelm an older internet network, bogging down productivity and costing the company valuable revenue. Fiber optic internet has the capacity, speed, and security to help businesses run more smoothly.
Drive Competition
Many communities currently only offer one internet provider for residents and businesses, pushing up prices and reducing service levels. Adding a fiber internet option can keep prices in check and offer some healthy competition where everybody wins.
Increase home values
Offering fiber internet to homeowners can increase home values by up to 3%. About one-third of homes in the United States have access to fiber internet, which makes the technology a true differentiator that buyers seek in new homes. Adding fiber internet to the city can be a financial benefit to individual homeowners and the whole community.
Attract businesses and talent
Today’s companies need fast internet to compete, whether they’re brick-and-mortar businesses or remote workers. Offering high-speed fiber internet as an option makes your community more appealing. Fiber interest offers speeds up to 65x faster than traditional internet.
Gateway Fiber Fast Facts
Gateway Fiber has the highest customer service score among internet providers in the area, raising the bar in an industry with historically low numbers.
All-inclusive pricing. No confusing hidden fees, no contracts, no surprises. No kidding.
Case Studies
Working closely with local and federal governments allows us to bring much-needed fiber internet to previously underserved communities.

Dardenne Prairie, MO: A major upgrade with community-wide benefits
Gateway’s future-proof fiber optic network allows residents to access the internet with hyper-fast symmetrical speeds up to 1 Gig, speeds only possible with fiber internet.
4,200 homes + free Wi-Fi to City Hall Park
City officials and event holders can now streamline programming for community events, fairs, festivals, and concerts where fast, reliable internet is essential
Residents and park visitors enjoy fast connections for hundreds at a time.

Government grants focused on improving connectivity in rural areas
In the fall of 2022, the National Telecommunications & Information Agency (NTIA) awarded $288 million in grants to improve broadband infrastructure nationwide
Missouri was awarded $42 million, of which Gateway Fiber received $10 million, the largest amount awarded to any ISP in the state
5,000 homes in the grant area
Most of the area has little or no existing internet service
Project completion expected in late 2023
Praise from Community Leaders
“Fiber optic internet has been a game changer for Lincoln County. Residents and businesses now have access to higher speed internet than ever before, fueling tremendous growth.”
“Not only do our residents now have access to the fastest internet in the area, but Gateway even installed a complete wireless network at our main city park so anyone using the park can access the internet for free.”
“We are thrilled to have Gateway Fiber enter our market as another internet provider. They will be the first to offer residential fiber and bring fast and reliable internet to our residents.”
Our Construction Process
See how we build the network
Ready to learn more?
Gateway Fiber is rapidly expanding and would welcome the chance to learn more about your city. Tell us more, and our team will contact you shortly.